REOWM Model: Expectations and Accountability

It is important that people are able to hold themselves accountable as well as being held accountable.

Understanding the benefits, how, when and why to apply a concept such as our REOWM model can make a real difference. However, application, consistency and follow-through can be a challenge for many.

The 5 stages of the model create a structured process for leading and coaching your team members, focused mostly on expectation-setting, clarity, context and accountability.



Earn the right to have any conversation

  • Meet regularly for formal and informal discussions
  • Make 1:1’s a regular part of your role
  • Be prepared to give something of yourself
  • Build self-awareness and emotional intelligence


Must be understood, not just delivered

  • Ensure clarity and context in expectations
  • Set clear goals
  • Discuss team and business standards, goals and values
  • Be clear that these standards and expectations will be key to success


Seek self-assessment and employee/client view

  • Clearly state what you have seen or observed
  • Provide feedback & examples
  • Be specific in your words, language and intention
  • Take ownership – rarely refer to what ‘others’ have observed
Why / Impact

Why / Impact

Discuss how and why this matters? Explain how the discussion content/theme impacts the:

  • Employee
  • Leader or Team
  • Organisation
  • Goals & Actions
  • Future or other relevant points


The outputs, outcomes and
results must be understood

  • Know what inputs and actions have contributed to the results…and what needs to be expanded, changed or removed
  • Accountability is most effective, accepted and understood when there is clarity in the outcomes and results
The REOWM Model is very effective when planning and conducting coaching sessions, in leadership and when holding people accountable.